

Sunday, July 21, 2019

The Mariel Boatlift the story of the Capote family from La CUJAE Continuing series.

In an editorial in the newspaper Granma on April 21, 1980, the decision of the Cuban government was made public, that the boats arriving from the United States to the Island. Can pick up those who wish to emigrate to that country also they would not be stopped.

Apr. 21: Fishing boats Dos Hermanos and Blanche III arrive in Key West with the first 48 refugees. Apr. 22: U.S. State Department warns boat owners that bringing undocumented aliens into the United States is a felony.

May 2, 1980
Cubans seeking word on their requests for U.S. visas were attacked on steps of US Interest Section in Havana by a pro-Castro crowd - Interest section virtually under siege.  About 400 individuals take refuge in ISINT.
May 5: '' . . . We'll continue to provide an open heart and open arms to refugees seeking freedom from Communist domination.'' President Carter's words taken by many as a wholesale invitation.
May 17: The overloaded Olo Yumi sinks north of Mariel in the Florida Straits, killing 14. At least 38, including skipper Salvador Ojeda, are rescued by the Coast Guard. Confirmed at-sea deaths in the exodus reach 25
May 19, 1980
A US Coast Guard blockade is establishing to prevent boats from traveling to Cuba to take out refugees.

The brother of Tia Nydia Rosa Capote age 50  the wife of Tio Jorge Enrique Capote Corzo age 46  got a call with a message for Papi. Sometime in May 1980 that he had a message from Tio Jorge and to meet at the brother’s house in Santo Saurez. It was far Mami and Papi had to take two busses they went alone. So Papi got the message, and it was a question from Tio Jorge if we wanted to leave with the family from Cuba. Papi had said I never thought about it, but he kept thinking about it. And then Tia Nydia and Tio Jorge(never forget them they are the reason our family got out of Cuba) came in a large shrimping boat in July to pick us up and Tia Nydia’s family and at that time Mami y Papi decided to leave.
Papi and Mami were worried about their kids being sent to war or if his four boys decide to go and jump on a raft, and then they die on it in the ocean or be put in jail. And Mami said she was terrified because she had no family only Capotes in Miami.  But Mami told Papi, “if you tell me to go to the moon, I will go with you.” Papi said my family would take care of us. My Mami always believed in my Papi and together in a dark corner in an apartment building in Habana that my Papi built with his own hands (Construction Worker) in silence they decided to leave it all behind and not let the walls hear their plans. It was a secret outside of Tio’s and Tia’s family knowing the truth they had to do it. It was a dangerous time, and they had four boys to protect.
Nobody knew when it was their turn to leave till they got a phone call, but back then few people had home phones in Cuba, we did not have one our Abuelos did. Our Abuelo Jose "Pepe" Folgueras Mendez “Oyo”  age 40 and my Abuela Silvia “Tata” Erlinda Santiago Sanchez, 46   also my Abuelo  Oyo's  Sister had a home phone too Bibiana Folgueras Mendez age 37. She lived in Habana Vieja(Old) (When Papi went to visit Tia Bibiana she told him he had a message from Tio  Papi called on a public telephone in this one I can not take two families per the guards at Mariel port. Then Papi gave Tio the number to Bibiana, and he told Bibiana about us leaving. But at that time of Mariel when you came to pick up family you could only pick one family on your list so we could not leave on the Shrimp Boat we would have to wait, but the secret was still safe.

One of the stories Papi told and I sorta remember was when I was 7 yrs old in 1980 during Mariel when people were starting to leave and the violent acts against them started. One day I saw from the balcony of our apartment below us an act of violence. They were beating a man and he was falling unconscious and I asked Papi why do they do that to that man Papi? Papi told me, son because he wants to leave Cuba. And I being only 7 yrs old told him Papi and just because someone wants to leave they have to do that to them? Papi told me son I can not answer your question here now but one day I will answer it. 

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